Taylormade TP Collection Putter Blade

Taylormade TP Collection Putter Blade

The Maskinfräsning putter is a game-changing golf club that brings a new level of precision and style to your game. With expertly machined milling, the face of this putter features grooves that reduce the surface area that comes in contact with the ball, resulting in a smoother feel and a crisp sound upon impact.

But it’s not just about performance – this putter is a work of art. Each model is a blend of artistry and precision, crafted with classic styling and incredible aesthetics. The TP Reserve series takes refinement to a whole new level with adjustments to the thickness of the topline, face heights, blade lengths, and radius shaping, offering premium styling and details inspired by the art of putting.

One of the standout features of the TP Reserve putter is its versatility. It offers four different mounting options, achieved through a combination of shaft and hosel designs, catering to a range of toe hang configurations. The newly designed hosel, with its single-bend construction, allows for easier installation and consistent alignment, streamlining your setup process.

Made from the finest 303 stainless steel, this putter is designed and manufactured to provide an unmatched feel and sound. The use of sole weights enables you to fine-tune the swing weight, ensuring optimal stability and performance that perfectly matches the length of your putter.

Experience the difference that the Maskinfräsning putter can make in your game. It’s not just a golf club – it’s a masterpiece.

Technical Specifications

  • Maskinfräsning: Skapar de bästa detaljerna och höjer putterns övergripande karaktär.
  • Maskinbearbetade frästa spår: Minskar ytan som påverkar bollen, för en mjukare känsla och skarpt ljud.
  • Premiumstil: Varje modell är en blandning av konst och precision, tillverkad med klassisk styling och otrolig estetik.
  • TP Reserve: Förfiningar till topplinjens tjocklek, ansiktshöjder, bladlängder och radieformning för premiumstyling och turinspirerade detaljer.
  • Reservera: Erbjuder fyra olika monteringsalternativ via en kombination av skaft- och slangdesign för utvalda tåhängningar.
  • Slängdsslang med enkelböjning: Främjar enklare installation och repetitiv inriktning.
  • 303 rostfritt stål: Designad och tillverkad med mjukt 303 rostfritt stål för ljud och känsla.
  • Sulvikter: Används för att finjustera svängvikten för att matcha putterlängden för optimal stabilitet och prestanda.

Impressive Precision and Premium Style: TP Reserve Putters

When it comes to creating the perfect details and elevating the overall character of a putter, maskinfräsning (machine milling) takes the lead. The machine-machined grooves on the face reduce the surface area that affects the ball, resulting in a softer feel and crisp sound. But TP Reserve putters offer more than just performance – they deliver a premium style that is as important as their functionality.

Every TP Reserve model is a fusion of art and precision, exuding classic styling and incredible aesthetics. From refined top-line thickness to face heights, blade lengths, and radius shaping, the TP Reserve putters boast exceptional craftsmanship and tour-inspired details.

But what sets TP Reserve apart from its competitors? The answer lies in its versatility and innovation. With four different mounting options available through a combination of shaft and hosel designs, TP Reserve offers customization possibilities for varying toe hangs. This means golfers can find their optimal fit and achieve the desired balance between style and performance.

Another standout feature of TP Reserve putters is the newly designed hosel with a single bend, enabling easier installation and consistent alignment. This means golfers can spend less time fussing over adjustments and more time improving their game.

Furthermore, TP Reserve putters are crafted with 303 stainless steel for a soft and responsive feel. This premium material not only enhances the sound but also provides a satisfying feedback with every stroke.

Who is TP Reserve intended for? It’s ideal for golfers who seek both exceptional performance and premium aesthetics in their putters. Whether you’re a professional on the tour or an avid amateur, TP Reserve putters offer the perfect fusion of style and function, elevating your overall putting experience.

For those who crave customization, TP Reserve putters give you the freedom to fine-tune the swing weight with sole weights, ensuring optimal stability and performance to match your putter length.

Price: 8748.97

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