Men’s TaylorMade SiM 2 Max Driver

Upptäck vår nya produkt – den omkonstruerade för att du fullständigt ska kunna slå iväg. Vi började om genom att omforma föraren och sedan rekonstruera den. Vi byggde om föraren helt från grunden för att ge dig både förlåtelse och längd. Gå vidare, t-shirten är din. Slå iväg.

Ofta främjar standarddragkedjedesign en bollflygning från höger till vänster på bekostnad av förlåtelse. Genom att rekonstruera förarhuvudet och flytta den asymmetriska tröghetsgeneratorn närmare klacken kan vi behålla förlåtelse samtidigt som vi förbättrar skottens spridning.

– Ny smidd ringkonstruktion. Smidd av lättvikts- och höghållfast aluminium som bearbetas till en krävande form, kombinerar den en massiv bakre vikt, en helt kolfiber sula, krona och ett nytt fräst bakkoppansikte.

– SIM tröghetsgenerator. Den asymmetriska tröghetsgeneratorn är utformad för att ge snabbare klubbhastighet genom avancerad geometri och aerodynamisk analys.

– Speed-injicerat twistansikte. Förbättrar bollhastigheten genom att kalibrera varje huvud till gränsen för den lagliga hastighetsbegränsningen med korrektionsansiktets krökning, och skyddar även mot felträffar på klacken och tådelen.

– Snabb ficka med genomspalt. Vår mest flexibla Speed Pocket-design är konstruerad för att maximera bollhastigheterna och ge extra förlåtelse vid låga träffar.

– Splitmassviktning. Designad för att förbättra förlåtelse samtidigt som den möjliggör precisa önskade svingvikt vid anpassad anpassning.

Technical Specifications:

  • New forged ring construction: Lightweight and high-strength aluminum material
  • SIM inertia generator: Asymmetrical design for faster clubhead speed
  • Speed-injected twist face: Corrective face curvature for improved ball speed
  • Fast pocket with through slot: Flexible Speed Pocket design for maximized ball speeds
  • Split mass weighting: Improved forgiveness and precise swing weights

Revolutionary Reconstructed Driver for Unrivaled Performance

Are you eager to take your golf game to a whole new level? Look no further than our reconstructed driver, meticulously designed to offer you a flawless combination of forgiveness and distance. Let’s delve into what sets this game-changing product apart from others in its category.

Competitive Advantages:

1. New Forged Ring Construction: Crafted from lightweight and high-strength aluminum, our reconstructed driver boasts a demanding shape. Its forged ring construction, featuring a massive rear weight, carbon sole, crown, and milled rear cup face, enhances the driver’s performance and durability. Say hello to a powerful and long-lasting companion on the golf course.

2. SIM Inertia Generator: Our driver goes beyond traditional designs with its asymmetrical inertia generator. This cutting-edge technology guarantees faster clubhead speed through advanced geometry and aerodynamic analysis. Get ready to experience jaw-dropping distance and increased precision shot after shot.

3. Speed-Injected Twist Face: Mishits on the heel and toe are a thing of the past, thanks to our driver’s speed-injected twist face. Precisely calibrated to reach the legal speed limit, this corrective face curvature not only boosts ball speed but also protects against off-center hits. Enjoy a consistent and explosive performance with every swing.

4. Fast Pocket with Through Slot: Our innovative Speed Pocket design takes flexibility to the next level. Engineered to maximize ball speeds and enhance forgiveness on low face hits, it ensures that even your mishits pack a punch. Prepare to witness enhanced control and unparalleled forgiveness on the golf course.

5. Split Mass Weighting: The reconstructed driver has been meticulously designed to improve forgiveness while allowing for precise target swing weights during custom fitting. With split mass weighting, you can achieve a tailored feel that perfectly complements your unique swing. Experience a harmonious balance between forgiveness and control.

Competitive Disadvantages:

While our reconstructed driver excels in numerous aspects, it is important to consider its limitations. One potential drawback is its unconventional design, which may require a minor adjustment period for golfers accustomed to traditional drivers. However, the benefits of the driver more than compensate for this slight learning curve.

Intended Audience:

Our reconstructed driver is made for golfers who are seeking an exceptional driving experience with unmatched forgiveness and distance. Whether you are a seasoned professional looking to take your game to new heights or an enthusiastic beginner eager to improve, this driver will meet and exceed your expectations.

An investment in our reconstructed driver is an investment in your golf game. Embrace the future of golf technology and elevate your performance on the course. Isn’t it time you swung away with confidence and superiority?

Price: 5338.51kr

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