TaylorMade Stealth2 Driver

The NY 60X Carbon Twist Face är en banbrytande produkt som bygger på den snabba framgången med den ursprungliga 60X Carbon Twist face, och optimerar överföring av energi för höga bollhastigheter.

Stealth 2 har en avancerad version av Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) för att bibehålla bollhastigheten vid träffar som inte är i mitten. Den nya ansiktet, som väger 24g och är 2g lättare än det ursprungliga Stealth-ansiktet, har också ett utökat COR-område för ett större sweet spot och förbättrad prestanda över hela ansiktet.

Designad för hastighet och förlåtande egenskaper, medför Twist Face-korrigeringstendenser kombinerat med avancerad ICT att bollhastigheten och precisionen bibehålls vid träffar som inte är mitt på klubbhuvudet. Den lätta kolfiberkroppen gör att ingenjörerna strategiskt kan placera vikt för optimal uppskjutning och förlåtande egenskaper. Ansiktet har en nanotextur-beläggning för att finjustera uppskjutningen och spinnen för optimalt avstånd i alla förhållanden på banan.

Den asymmetriska inertia generatorn erbjuder förfinade aerodynamiska egenskaper, vilket resulterar i en snabbare klubbhuvudsform som ökar svinghastigheten för golfare på alla nivåer. Klubbhuvudet inkluderar ett 25g-vikter i bakre delen för otroligt MOI och förlåtande egenskaper. Thru-Slot Speed Pocket-designen maximerar bollhastigheten och förlåtande egenskaper vid träffar på den nedre delen av ansiktet.

Den justerbara 2° Loft Sleeve möjliggör anpassning för att passa individuella preferenser för uppskjutningsvinkel och ansiktsvinkel. Observera att på grund av branschstandarder kommer inte någon justeringsnyckel för klubbhuvudet att ingå i framtida leveranser.

Key Technical Specifications:

  • NY 60X Carbon Twist Face: Optimizes energy transfer for high ball speeds
  • Stealth 2 with Inverted Cone Technology (ICT): Maintains ball speed on off-center hits
  • Weight: 24g, 2g lighter than original Stealth face
  • COR Area: Expanded for larger sweet spot and improved performance
  • Twist Face Correction Tendencies: Maintains ball speed and accuracy on off-center hits
  • Lightweight Carbon Body: Strategically places weight for optimal launch and forgiveness
  • Nanotexture Coating: Fine-tunes launch and spin for optimized distance
  • Asymmetrical Inertia Generator: Provides refined aerodynamic properties for faster club head shape
  • 25g Weight: Included in the back for incredible MOI and forgiveness
  • Thru-Slot Speed Pocket Design: Maximizes ball speed and forgiveness on low-face hits
  • Adjustable 2° Loft Sleeve: Allows for customization of launch angle and face angle
  • Head Adjustment Key: Not included in future shipments due to industry standards

Title: Revolutionize Your Golf Game with the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face

Introducing the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face, the ultimate game-changer in the world of golf. This innovative club combines state-of-the-art technology with unparalleled performance, making it a must-have for golfers seeking to take their game to new heights.

One of the standout features of the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face is its optimized energy transfer, resulting in incredible ball speeds. Building on the success of its predecessor, this club takes things to the next level by ensuring maximum efficiency in every swing. Say goodbye to sluggish shots and hello to explosive power!

But the advantages don’t stop there. The Stealth 2 incorporated in this club utilizes advanced Inverted Cone Technology (ICT) to maintain ball speed even on off-center hits. This means that even when you don’t hit the sweet spot, you can still expect impressive distances and accuracy. It’s forgiveness at its finest, ensuring a consistent performance every time you play.

Another highlight of the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face is its lightweight carbon body. This allows engineers to strategically place weight for optimized launch and exceptional forgiveness. The result? A club that’s designed for speed, ensuring you can achieve those long, straight shots you’ve always dreamed of.

The club face is coated with a nanotexture coating, enhancing launch and spin for optimized distance in all playing conditions. No matter if you’re playing on a windy day or a sunny afternoon, the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face has got you covered.

Golfers of all skill levels can benefit from the advantages of the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face. Thanks to its Twist Face correction tendencies and advanced ICT, even those off-center hits will maintain ball speed and accuracy. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner looking to improve your game, this club is a game-changer.

Furthermore, the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face features an asymmetrical inertia generator that enhances aerodynamic properties. This results in a faster club head shape, enabling you to increase your swing speed effortlessly. It’s a boost that can make a significant difference, helping you reach new distances with ease.

Forgiveness is key in a golf club, and the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face understands that. With a 25g weight in the back, this club offers incredible MOI (moment of inertia) and forgiveness. Say goodbye to those frustrating mishits and hello to a confident swing that can conquer any course.

Lastly, the club’s adjustable 2° Loft Sleeve allows for customization to suit individual preferences for launch angle and face angle. This means you can fine-tune your club to match your unique playing style. It’s a level of personalization that every golfer craves.

In summary, the NY 60X Carbon Twist Face is a game-changing golf club that combines advanced technology with unparalleled performance. With its optimized energy transfer, forgiveness on off-center hits, and strategic weight placement, it’s a club designed to revolutionize your golf game. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, this club is your ultimate companion on the course.

Price: 5034.07

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